Dynamic Chart

de 200OK Solutions

Organization Chart app helps to generates the chart view from SharePoint App list items.

App Objective

Dynamic Organization Chart App is a SharePoint 2013 App to generate and display Organization Chart dynamically from SharePoint App list. Organization Chart gets employee data from a custom list named ChartList. It displays the chart showing the employee's Designation, Name, Photo [If Available] & Co-Coordinators if available.

Software Requirement.

Dynamic App can be installed in any SharePoint 2013 environment.

Organization Chart Functionality:

Configuration & List Update

1. After the App is installed on your SharePoint site, click on Dynamic Chart App from Site Contents.

2. Enter the Data in Chart list shown on bottom of the Dynamic Chart App

3. You have to add the Employee ID, Employee Name, Designation, Manager ID and Image URL to display chart on App Default Page.

4.Once you have added the items in the list, refresh default.aspx page of App, Chart will display Organization Chart view based on the List Items from Chart list.


All other employees must have ManagerID which is ID of the other employee from chart list.

If not selected the ManagerID then the Manager will be itself of the Employee.

Also you will require only once ManagerID blank on chart list to display chart.

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