Messageware TakeNote

de Messageware Incorporated

(30 evaluări)

Powerful Note Taking for Outlook, Outlook Web, and Office 365.

Messageware TakeNote allows you to quickly and easily add private, contextual notes to an email and its sender. And your comments are easily accessible whenever or wherever you need them.

Notes can be viewed anytime by clicking on TakeNote. View and edit your notes directly from your email, instantly add ideas and comments.

Messageware TakeNote keeps your email and your notes together and easily accessible.

Add information to emails to document follow up calls and interactions.

Gain insight into a situation by reviewing the notes made related to the sender or email.

Direct Feedback to the Product Team by clicking on HELP within Messageware TakeNote.

All the information is stored confidentially within your mailbox, not on our servers.

Capacitățile aplicației

Atunci când această aplicație este utilizată,
  • Poate să transmită date prin internet
  • Această aplicație poate accesa date cu caracter personal din mesajul activ, precum numele expeditorilor, numele destinatarilor, adresele de e-mail, conținutul mesajului sau informații despre atașări. Aplicația poate trimite aceste date la un serviciu terț. Alte elemente din cutia poștală nu pot fi citite sau modificate.

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