Conversation Filer

autor Bill Avery

(4 ocjene)

Automatically suggest previous conversation filing locations for messages in your inbox.

When you receive a reply or forwarded email in your inbox and you previously filed this conversation in another folder, this App will offer to file the messages in your inbox into the locations that you have previously used for the conversation.

This App is particularly handy when a mailing list filing rule is broken by the Bcc feature in an attempt to take the discussion off-list. Using the App you can quickly send the new messages to be with the rest of the conversation in the appropriate folder.

Mogućnosti aplikacije

Kada se ova aplikacija koristi, ona
  • Može slati podatke putem interneta
  • Ova aplikacija možete čitati ili izmijeniti sadržaje bilo koje stavke u poštanskom sandučiću i stvarati nove. Može pristupati osobnim podacima -- kao što su tijelo, predmet, pošiljatelj, primatelji ili privici -- u bilo kojoj poruci ili stavci kalendara. Aplikacija može te podatke poslati servisu drugog davatelja.

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