Docusign for Word

DocuSign, Inc.에 의해

(1174 등급)

Work smarter. Securely send, sign and track agreements from Microsoft Word.

Docusign eSignature for Word is easy to use and enables individuals and organizations of any size to securely send and sign important documents right from Word.

- Request signatures or sign and return critical documents in seconds.

- Leverage easy drag and drop functionality that allow you to specify tags where recipients need to sign.

- Route documents to multiple users in serial, parallel and mixed sequencing to fit your ideal process.

Minimize Risk - Docusign eSignature automatically generates and stores a robust audit trail for every agreement, and meets or exceeds some of the strictest global security standards.

Docusign's integration for Word is free to use with an active Docusign account. Users can begin with a free account.

앱 기능

이 앱을 사용하면
  • 문서를 읽거나 변경할 수 있음
  • 인터넷을 통해 데이터를 보낼 수 있음

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