PhET Sims - Science / Math

bởi PhET Interactive Simulations

(13 xếp loại)

Free, fun, interactive simulations for science and math instruction.

A collection of fun, interactive, research-based simulations for science and math instruction in Grades K-12 and university, developed by PhET Interactive Simulations at University of Colorado Boulder ( All simulations are based on the results of education research and tested with students.

Each PhET simulation provides a highly interactive environment which supports student exploration and discovery – making the invisible visible, including models and representations, providing measurement tools, and emphasizing real world connections.

PhET’s simulation design supports a variety of instructional uses (as lecture demos, labs, homeworks, etc.) and may be coupled with activity worksheets, response questions, peer instruction, or group work. The simulations may be used to introduce topics or to develop a deeper, more robust understanding. They are particularly well suited for supporting inquiry-based instruction, and for simultaneously addressing the content and practice standards in the NGSS or CCSS.

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