
avaldaja Eric Legault Consulting Inc.

(13 hinnangut)

Easily file emails to your favorite folders! And more - it's a killer Inbox triaging machine!

MessageFiler helps you to quickly file and triage your emails so you can "Rock Your Inbox". The three key pillars of effective email management are supported: filing, flagging and categorizing. Filing is just a click or two away with the ability to manage lists of your most frequently used folders and categories. With MessageFiler you can:

  • File emails to any "folder-as-you-type". No more hunting through deep folder trees!
  • Add frequently filed-to folders to your Favorite Folders list
  • Use Suggested folders for filing based on previous filing actions by sender and subject
  • Create QuickFilers for one-click execution of file-to-folder, flag and category combinations
  • Easily set flags and categories, including the full set of flagging options that aren't even available natively in Outlook Online or

Rakenduse võimalused

Kui seda rakendust kasutatakse, see
  • Saata andmeid Interneti kaudu
  • See rakendus saab lugeda või muuta teie postkastis olevate üksuste sisu ja luua uusi üksuseid. See pääseb juurde kõigis sõnumites või kalendriüksustes olevatele isikuandmetele, nagu sisu, teema, saatja, adressaadid või manused. See võib neid andmeid saata kolmanda osapoole teenusele.
