ClearSlide, a Bigtincan company

作者 ClearSlide

(413 評分)

Use ClearSlide content and track activities and engagement - directly from your inbox.

Access recommended sales content and track real-time activity and engagement, all auto-logged directly to CRM.

* Recommended Content From Within Your Inbox

* Track Viewer Engagement

* Auto-log Activity, Content, and Engagement to CRM

* ClearSlide Sales Engagement add-in for Outlook requires ClearSlide, which is a subscription-based service. If you don’t have an account, visit for a Free Trial

Leverage powerful features of ClearSlide from within Outlook:

Recommended Content From Within Your Inbox

Access your entire ClearSlide content library without leaving your Outlook inbox. When you select a contact, ClearSlide’s recommendation engine surfaces approved content based on rules associated with Contact, Account, Opportunity, and Lead records — helping you quickly find the most relevant content based on stage, industry, role, and more. Or search your full content library. Content thumbnails make it simple to preview.

Track Viewer Engagement

Gain real-time insight into basic email metrics — opens, forwards, content viewed — as well as detailed slide-level engagement. Instantaneous and detailed insight on buyer interest enables faster and more tailored follow-up.

Auto-log Activity, Content, and Engagement to CRM

Activities, content used, and engagement are automatically logged to the right object in CRM, saving valuable time in manual data entry and improving data quality. With reliable activity and engagement data in CRM, reps and leaders stay better aligned and keep deals on track.


  • 可以在網際網路上傳送資料
  • 此應用程式可以讀取或修改您信箱中任何項目的內容,以及建立新的項目。其可以存取任何訊息或行事曆項目中的個人資訊,例如內文、主旨、寄件者或附件等等。其可能會將此資料傳送給第三方服務。
