Picture Library Photo Wall

by Artezio LLC

(7 ratings)

Displays photos from a picture library on the host web in a wall view where each brick is a photo.

Picture library Photo Wall displays photos from a specified picture library on the host web in a wall view where each brick is a photo. A User can specify a number of photos to display and maximum size of a regular image in a photo wall.

The app also has a Photo Slider that rotates images showing only one item the same time. User can select different effects that take place when photo is changed to a new one.

It provides the following features:

• App Part can be placed on any page of the current site

• display images from the library located on the host web specified by title

• Themes are supported

• regular photo size and spacing between photos can be customized

• ability to set a limit number of images to show

• CSS customization for branding purposes supported

• ‘Show more’ button to load additional photos

• 100% width option to fill all available space


• Now displays newest on top

• Work with large libraries (> 5000 to avoid treshold limit for requests)

• Fixed issue with libraries having folders

At a glance