TPG TeamLink

by The Project Group Informationstechnologie GmbH

(1 ratings)

Bridges the gap between project managers and resource managers. Works best with TPG TeamManager App.

TPG TeamManager App enables project managers to compare resource requests for their projects with resource commitments from resource managers. Configurable traffic light colors display the commitment status for each resource in a time phased table.

In ProjectServer mode work from Project Schedule is compared with work from Resource Plan in Project Web App. Work is loaded independent from utilization settings in Resource Plan.

In TeamManager mode work from Project Schedule is compared to work from resource commitments published from TPG TeamManager App. Work from Project is loaded according to the utilization settings in Resource Plan.

Add TPG TeamLink App to project sites or to PDPs (Project Detail Pages). Grant Project Managers the global permission 'Access Project Server Reporting Service', to be allowed to read timephased data from Project Server reporting database. Resources need to be assigned to RBS (Resource Breakdown Structure). In TeamManager mode grant read permissons for Project Managers to the publish folder of TPG TeamManager Apps. See TPG TeamManager for more Information.

Does not run on IE 8 or 9.

At a glance