SigningHub for Word

by Ascertia Limited.

(18 ratings)

The most secure way to sign word documents using advanced digital signatures


The SigningHub for Word app enables users to prepare and share documents for sign-off directly from Microsoft Word. Now you don't need to convert your word files into PDF documents, instead you can sign directly in Word using the native long-term digital signature format. The SigningHub app automatically detects the Word signature lines within the document and allows the owner to define and change the signing order before the document is sent for sign-off. Once the documents has been signed by a recipient they still review the document on the system and download a copy if allowed. Once the workflow has completed the signed document is held securely inside the owner’s SigningHub account.

Key Features:

• Use your existing SigningHub credentials to log into the app.

• Share documents with others for them to review and apply their digital signature.

• Use the power of Word 2013 to edit the document, add signature lines, and then share this with others for review and sign their approval.

• Avoid local workflow complexities – everything is managed inside SigningHub.

• Receive workflow status updates within your SigningHub account and send reminders if required.

• SigningHub creates long-term digital signatures that are fully compatible within Microsoft Word 2013.

• There is no need to convert Word documents to PDF format before signing, Word is often preferred as an Enterprise format.

• All digital signatures produced are advanced long term digital signatures (ETSI XAdES-X-L including a timestamp and certificate status information).

• Document authentication, integrity and signer non-repudiation is assured for up to 10 years or more depending on the timestamp authority.

• SigningHub for Word works with Microsoft Word 2013 when used as a Windows desktop application.

• SigningHub offers a range of service plans, starting from a free to the paid enterprise plans.

• Supports configurable legal notice and initials fields to ensure user’s intention to sign is fully captured.

Supported Browsers:

• Internet Explore 10 or later

• Chrome 40 or later

• Firefox 35.0 or later

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can read and make changes to your document
  • Can send data over the Internet

At a glance